Macaw Parrots
For Sale

Avery Hand Feed Birds

About Macaw Parrots

Blue and Gold Macaws are intelligent, talkative, playful and naturally affectionate. It is these attributes that have secured them as a sought after pet worldwide. Production rates amongst Aviculturists is increasing and so is the demand from pet owners that are wishing to secure one of these magnificent parrots as a life long companion.

Blue & Gold Macaws in the wild mate for life and typically live up to 35 years old. When captive as pets or cared for in zoos, these birds can live well upwards of 50 years since they receive better care and are not subjected to the hazards of living in the wild and falling prey to eagles and snakes.

The baby Macaws that I breed are parent started, this enables them to obtain the appropriate crop and gut flora that only the parents can provide so they can establish a robust immune system.

My babies are raised on a quality formula and weaned onto pellets, nuts and fresh fruit and vegies. I stay involved throughout the life of the bird so you have someone to lean on when you have questions or concerns about your Parrot.

I have Blue & Gold Macaws of various ages for sale 2, 3 & 4 year old. These birds are hand raised and reasonably friendly though are more suitable for people wanting to breed. My birds mimic the short phrases I use during the nurturing time and will copy language as they grow up. They can learn a vocabulary of around 20 words and phrases.

I have babies from December onwards, I will take pictures of the young from 3 to 5 days old to update my website and this is when they will appear on my available Parrots page. 

Types Of Macaws

Macaws are known as the giants of the parrot world. The hyacinth macaw is the longest parrot, with a head to tail length of nearly 40 inches. Macaws have long tail feathers as well as big beaks. Macaw adaptations include large, curved, powerful beaks designed to crack open hard nuts and seeds. These parrots have a long, streamlined physique and colorful feathering, ranging from the hyacinth macaw’s hyacinth blue to the scarlet macaw’s scarlet red coloring. Some macaw species have bare facial patches.

Baby Macaws available every December


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